Since color influences product quality, safety and costs, consistency is important, establishing the need for international color standards. Certified color standards are composed of electrophotographic reflectance data that combines a master electronic standard and visual reference to ensure consistent colors across materials.

International Color Standards

There are several color standard charts for reference:

  • RGB: The red, green, blue (RGB) color standard is the color display for LCD screens, CRT monitors and plasma displays.
  • CMYK: The cyan, magenta, yellow, key (CMYK) color standards are used for printing since the RGB standard cannot create black.
  • Pantone: Pantone color standards are vibrant, solid colors that can be converted to RGB or CMYK when necessary.
  • USDA: USDA color standards help agriculture professionals decide when produce should be picked and how it should be graded. Food processors also use these standards for food processing and packaging.
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Color Reference Standards for Various Industries

Here are the color reference standards for these industries:


International color standards for metal are used for automotive products, small appliances and furniture for brass, nickel, chrome and other metal types. These metals can also have different finishes, including brushed, burnished and polished.


A packaging color standards chart communicates the brand identity through color consistency. There are several tone scales and vignettes to help with color selection.


Paper color standards collaborate with textile color standards when the paper color and textile color need to coordinate. This communication allows you to effectively describe the color you need. Paper standards apply to stationary, wrapping paper, paper plates and napkins.

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The plastics industry needs color standards for many plastic materials. When required, plastics color standards can be coordinated with textile standards. Color options include solid colors and tints with matte and gloss finishes. These standards apply to automotive, industrial and home plastic products.


Color reference standards for textiles apply to the fashion and interior design industries with standards for cotton, nylon, polyester and other substrates.


There are several types of wood available as well as clear and painted finishes to choose from that each provides a unique look. Color reference standards for wood are used by wood and furniture manufacturers for furniture and accessory products since color needs to be consistent to meet customer requirements.

Contact HunterLab Today

HunterLab has more than 65 years in the industry, and we have worked with thousands of clients on international color standards. Contact HunterLab online for more information about color standards charts. Read our blog for posts about color measurement and more.