Evaluating Internal and External Factors of Bread Color
Bread is a simple food but still contains several crucial factors for evaluation. The following internal features are often evaluated for bread quality and color:
- The type of grain used
- Bright white or cream-colored crumbs
- Smooth crumb texture
- Bread softness and moisture
Customers will mainly look at the outside of a bread loaf when purchasing. Here are some of the external appearance factors they often judge:
- Even rising along the loaf's volume
- Uniformity of shape in the straight and upright position
- Golden-brown crust color
- Smooth and whole crust surface
Why Appearance Analysis Matters
Appearance analysis lets you ensure the bread your company creates stays consistent among batches. Bread consists of several ingredients that vary in color and quality, affecting the finished product.
From the raw ingredients to the final batch, performing appearance analysis at every step is important. By doing this, you can catch and rectify any ingredient quality issues before they reach the final batch. Consistent quality ultimately helps you gain customers' trust and improve their experience with your brand.
Bread Color Measurement With the MiniScan EZ 4500
Appearance analysis can be done quickly and efficiently using a spectrophotometer, aiding successful product attempts and reducing costs. At HunterLab, we have various color measurement solutions to choose from that can best fit your lab and product.
For bread color measurements, we recommend our MiniScan EZ 4500. This device is portable, allowing for easy one-handed scans of bread products. Its measuring technology displays color data from commonly used color scales and indices for accurate quantitative readings. It also stores up to 800 sample measurements and 100 standards to accommodate wide-reaching testing needs.